Govt To Reward Startups For Building AI Solution For Health, Education, Mobility
Published on 17th Sept, 2020 | 1 min read
The Centre has launched an Artificial Intelligence Solutions Challenge, inviting startups to develop and innovate solutions to address challenges across sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, smart mobility, transportation and natural language processing. The development assumes significance as the government in the last few months has launched challenges such as Atma Nirbhar app innovation challenge to promote existing apps and develop new ones and ‘Chunauti- next generation startup challenge’ to further boost startups and software products. “Challenges like these are now common in many countries and is being widely used by various governments to solve problems by roping in young innovators. This AI challenge is a bit different as usually these challenges try to solve a particular problem. Still, this is a welcome step and will encourage start-ups to share their solution,” DD Mishra, senior director analyst at Gartner said, adding that crowd sourcing solutions is going to be the next big thing in India. The US government has set an example on how crowd sourcing can be used to solve complex problems using emerging technology, be it the state’s department of defence’s 2019 AI challenge to automate post disaster damage assessment using computer vision algorithm or crowd sourcing attempts by the White House earlier this year for development of new AI solutions to help researchers answer important question about covid-19. The AI Solution challenge can be big boost for cash strapped start-ups and can pave the way for future investments into them.